Topics in Quantitative Sociology

Fall 2020 ENSAE

Social Ecology

Why do certain organizations succeed and others fail? We explore how to integrate time to concepts of ecology to answer questions about social organization and collective action. We also look at the influence of population size and density on social phenomena over long time and large scale.

Background readings

Case-study for reading and commentary

Olzak & Ryo, 2007, SF, "Organizational diversity, vitality and outcomes in the Civic Rights Movement"

Sociologists often assert, but rarely test, the claim that organizational diversity benefits social movements by invigorating movement vitality and facilitating success. Our analysis of black civil rights organizations shows that goal and tactical diversity of a social movement is largely a function of organizational density, level of resources available to the movement, and the number of protests initiated by the movement. Goal diversity increases the rate of protest, whereas tactical diversity increases the likelihood of achieving a desired policy outcome. These findings advance our understanding of social movements and organizations by illuminating how organizational dynamics of a social movement might change over time, and in turn how this change might affect the vitality and desired outcomes of social movements.

Case-studies for written reviews